Monday, June 27, 2016

Our final day of our Grade 4/5 learning journey is here.  What an amazing journey we have had together! Celebrate your growth as a human being and as a learner.  Until we meet again, see you later... Ms. Makowski.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Congratulations on another wonderful week of learning!

- Stampede Breakfast is on Monday June 27 at 9:00! Please invite your families to attend!
- Last day of classes - Monday June 27.
- Report Cards go home on Monday June 27.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

This week we have been working on a half-photo Art project! Share with a family member how you are using symmetry in this project to create a butterfly using pictures and pencil crayons. What pencil crayon techniques have you used in this project?

- Little Green Thumbs Pita Snack is tomorrow (June 24)!
- Stampede Breakfast is on Monday June 27 at 9:00! Please invite your family members to attend.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Today we reflected about our learning and our behavior this year in a google doc.  Be sure to share your ideas about what worked best to fit your learning.  What are you celebrating? What would you do differently? How has your character grown (virtues)?  Support your thinking with some specific examples.

-Our Year End Celebration is on Thursday, June 23 at 10:30.  All parents and family members are welcome!
- Little Green Thumbs Pita Snack in on Friday June 24!
- As part of our year end celebrations, students in Room 2 and Room 5 will be walking to the South Park (beside our school field) from 1:00 to 1:30 on Thursday June 23. Please have your parents contact Ms. Makowski if they have any questions or concerns. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Today we shared our Electrical Engineering Projects with students from other classes! Be proud of your determination, problem solving and collaboration to complete these projects. Share with a family member our celebration of learning.

Practice working with transformations in Math by going to this website:

- Our Year End Celebration is on Thursday, June 23 at 10:30.  All parents and family members are welcome!
- Little Green Thumbs Pita Snack is on Friday June 24!
- As part of our year end celebrations, students in Room 2 and Room 5 will be walking to the South Park (beside our school field) from 1:00 to 1:30 on Thursday June 23. Please have your parents contact Ms. Makowski if they have any questions or concerns.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Our Electrical Engineering Projects are complete!  Share with a family member what you think is a celebration for you.  What did you find challenging?  How will you prepare to share your work with other classes this week?

-Our Year End Celebration is on Thursday, June 23 at 10:30.  All parents and family members are welcome!
- Little Green Thumbs Pita Snack is on Friday June 24! 

Friday, June 17, 2016

Celebrate another fabulous week of learning!

- Stampede Pancake Breakfast notice and K-6 Noon Supervision Registration form is being sent home today.