Thursday, October 29, 2015

We have been discussing the concepts of 'Wellness' in our class.  Explain to a family member what wellness means to you.  What safe lifestyle choice did you present in your health skit today? Why is this important?

Thank you for another fabulous week of learning!  Be proud of your diligence and your positive attitude!

Have a safe and enjoyable Halloween!

- No school tomorrow, it is a Professional Development Day.

Image result for quotes for kids

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Today we had a science presentation called 'What's the Poop?' by Kananaskis in the Classroom.   What were your Connections, Challenges, Concepts and Changes? Please explain to a family member you wrote about each of the '4 C's' to extend your learning?  What was the most important concept for you in your learning?  What change are you going to make in your lifestyle?

-No sports club tomorrow
- We have a French quiz tomorrow! Remember to study numbers, months and days of the week in French.

-Halloween Information
On Thursday October 29, students can dress up in their halloween costume for the afternoon only. Please ensure the costumes are safe: no weapons and masks. Due to allergies and food restrictions, please do not send any food to distribute to classmates. For more information, please visit the Vista Heights School handbook by following this link:(under allergies)

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Our class has been learning about light and shadow! Share with a family member the different experiments we have been doing in class. Explain the difference between natural and artificial light and how we used a prism to refract (bend) light to create a rainbow of color. What questions do you still have about light and shadow? How can you find answers to these questions?

- No school on Friday, October 30. It is a Professional Development Day.
- Grade 4 and 5 Snowpass notice is being sent home today.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Today we had our Outdoor School meeting with the camp manager.  We also  met with Mrs. Traquair to discuss the schedule for grade 4 students. Share with a family member what you are excited about for this week of learning. What worries do you have?

Teach a family member how to play Salute!  Keep reading at home every night.

All Outdoor School forms MUST be returned by tomorrow at the latest, as we need to inform the camp in advance about any dietary needs or allergies.

There is no school on Friday, October 30.  It is a Professional Development Day.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Celebrate another fabulous week of learning!

-Return Acknowledgement of Risk form for Kamp Kiwanis by Monday, October 26
-$50 payment for Kamp is due by November 2, 2015
-Picture Day is Monday, October 26

Thursday, October 22, 2015

We have been developing our ball skills in gym.  Share with a family member what you have learned about different types of ball handling skills, including dribbling and passing.  How does what you know about the brain connect to these skills?

-Return Acknowledgement of Risk form for Kamp Kiwanis by Monday, October 26
-$50 payment for Kamp is due by November 2, 2015
-Picture Day is Monday, October 26

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Great job sharing your Plants and Wetlands projects with the class today! Share with a family member your final project. Show them the rubric for this project and the mark you think you deserve. Why do you deserve this mark? What are you proud of for this project? What is a goal you have for your next project? We will be discussing in class tomorrow!

-Return Acknowledgement of Risk form for Kamp Kiwanis by Monday, October 26.
-$50 payment for Kamp is due by November 2, 2015
-Picture Day is Monday, October 26

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Our class has begun our investigations into light and shadow in Science! Share with a family member what you learned about natural and artificial light sources. What examples can you find at home? Be prepared to share your ideas with the class tomorrow.

Please continue to read every night for 15 minutes! Our Book Talk projects will be starting soon.

-Grade 5 students please return Acknowledgement of Risk form for Kamp Kiwanis
-$50 payment for Kamp is due by November 2, 2015

PICTURE DAY – Monday, October 26th
-all students will be in the class photo and receive a free copy of the class photo
-if you wish to have an individual photo of your child please complete the notice your received yesterday
-write your child’s name & grade and choose a pose and a background
-your child will bring this notice to school on Monday, October 26th and give it to the photographer

Monday, October 19, 2015

Today is an exciting day in the history of Canada as it is our federal election day.  We will be sharing our Vista Heights Student Vote Results tomorrow after the election.

-Watch the election results for a few minutes as they come in starting at 8:00 p.m. We will be talking about the results in class tomorrow!

-Picture Day Notice Monday, October 26, 2015
-Grade 5 students, please return Acknowledgement of Risk form for Kamp Kiwanis
-$50 payment for Kamp is due by November 2, 2015

Friday, October 16, 2015

Excellent job participating in the Vista Heights Student Vote this week! Share with a family member how you learned about the different political parties and the upcoming federal election. Who did you vote for? Why?

Have a terrific weekend!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thank you grade 5/6 students and parents for attending our Outdoor School Meeting last night! For those who were unable to attend, parent information packages and the 'Acknowledgement of Risk' form are coming home today. Please have your parents contact Ms. Makowski or Mrs. Calvert if they have any questions about up upcoming trip to Outdoor School.

-Return Acknowledgement of Risk form for Kamp Kiwanis.
-$50 payment for camp is due by November 2, 2015.
-Grade 5/6 Sports Club begins today after school from 3:15 to 3:45.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Excellent job today creating similes! Explain to a family member what a simile is and how it can help create interesting and engaging writing. Try creating your own similes at home!

Please continue to read at home every night for 15 minutes. Our class will begin our Book Talk Projects soon!

- Grade 5 / 6 Outdoor School Parent Information Meeting: Wednesday, October 14: 6:30-7:30

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Welcome back to school after a long Thanksgiving weekend!

Our class finished publishing our Hero Persuasive Paragraphs today. Share with a family member your final copy posted in D2L. Be sure to explain what you learned about how to write an excellent persuasive paragraph!


- Grade 5 / 6 Outdoor School Parent Information Meeting: Wednesday, October 14: 6:30-7:30
- Pizza Lunch notice is being sent home today.
- Grade 5/6 Sports Club permission form is being sent home.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Thank you for another wonderful week of learning!

Please check the current event schedule for when you are responsible to present. Begin looking for news articles and extra information for your presentation.

Have a terrific long weekend!

- Please share the important School Speech Language Services notice posted below with your parents!
- No school tomorrow (Oct. 9) - it is a Professional Development Day
- No school Monday Oct. 12 - Thanksgiving
- Grade 5 / 6 Outdoor School Parent Information Meeting: Wednesday, October 14: 6:30-7:30

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Our school virtue for the month of October is curiosity! Think about examples of how you show curiosity at school and in our community. Be prepared to share your ideas with the class tomorrow.

- Our class has book exchange tomorrow! Please remember to bring your books to school tomorrow to be returned or renewed.

-Grade 5 / 6 Outdoor School Parent Information Meeting: Wednesday, October 14: 6:30-7:30

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Our class has been learning how to read and write large numbers! Show a family member what you know about place value, as well as writing numbers in expanded and expanded form. Teach a family member how to play the game Face Off using cards to create large numbers!


- Grade 5 Vaccinations are tomorrow

-NO SCHOOL Friday, October 9 - Professional Development Day

-Grade 5 / 6 Outdoor School Parent Information Meeting: Wednesday, October 14: 6:30-7:30

Monday, October 5, 2015

Our class has been working on our persuasive writing skills in our Characters of Courage paragraphs! Share with a family member the person you chose to write about for this project. How did they demonstrate courage? Remember to use specific examples to support your opinion.

- Our class has access to RAZ Kids! Try reading to a family member your favorite book from RAZ Kids.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Thank you for another great week of learning!

Our class will begin current event projects next week. Share with a family member the project and rubric posted in D2L. What day are you presenting? Start looking for news articles you want to share with the class for this project. Look in D2L for great websites for you to use.

Enjoy your weekend!

*Letter from Board of Trustees
-letter coming home today with your only or youngest child
-please read

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Our class began a new science project this week: Plants and Wetlands! Share with a family member the project outline, websites and rubric posted in D2L. You will be sharing your learning with the class! Which computer program will you use for your presentation?

- Continue to practice your keyboarding skills at home! Try to work on using home row.

-October Newsletter coming home today!

- Room 2 will be practicing our 'off-site evacuation' by walking to Renfrew Education Center tomorrow morning! If you have any questions please call Ms. Makowski at 777-6000.