Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Our class has begun our investigations into light and shadow in Science! Share with a family member what you learned about natural and artificial light sources. What examples can you find at home? Be prepared to share your ideas with the class tomorrow.

Please continue to read every night for 15 minutes! Our Book Talk projects will be starting soon.

-Grade 5 students please return Acknowledgement of Risk form for Kamp Kiwanis
-$50 payment for Kamp is due by November 2, 2015

PICTURE DAY – Monday, October 26th
-all students will be in the class photo and receive a free copy of the class photo
-if you wish to have an individual photo of your child please complete the notice your received yesterday
-write your child’s name & grade and choose a pose and a background
-your child will bring this notice to school on Monday, October 26th and give it to the photographer

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