Monday, November 30, 2015

What an 'Ant-tastic' presentation we had today from Kananaskis in the Classroom! Please share with a family member what connection you made to our big idea of how we impact the world, and how the world impacts us.  How do you impact ants or other insects?  How do insects impact humans?

- Choose a book for our Best Book Project! Reflect on why you think other students should read this book. Share with a family member the project criteria and assessment posted in D2L. We will have class time this week to work on our Best Book Project.

Book a Parent-Teacher Conference for Thursday, December 3, or Friday, December 4 by going to the following link:

No School Friday, December 4 -  Parent-Teacher Conferences.

-Letter home today re: Practice Lock Down tomorrow

Friday, November 27, 2015

Excellent job using evidence from our class read aloud, The City of Ember, to complete your Venn Diagram written reflection. Explain to a family member this writing task. Which book did you choose to compare to The City of Ember? What was similar between these two books? What was different?

Have a wonderful weekend!

- Monday, November 30th – Alien In-Line forms and $ due
- Grade 4 and 5 Snowpass notice is being sent home
- picture retake orders are being sent home today

Thursday, November 26, 2015

We have begun our Best Book Ever Projects! Share with a family member the book you chose to use for this project. Why did you choose this book? Go to D2L to check the project criteria and assessment.

- Sports Club is today after school.
- Please remind your families to book a time to attend Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday December 3 and Friday December 4!
Monday, November 30th – Alien In-Line forms and $ due

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Today was Hat Day! Thank you to all the students and teachers who participated.

Excellent work demonstrating perseverance and collaboration on your Social Regions Advertising project! Share with a family member the project criteria and assessment posted in D2L. Explain how you and a partner collaborated to create an advertisement for your region. What has been successful for you throughout this project? What would you change next time?

- Sports Club is tomorrow after school (November 26) from 3:15 to 3:45.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Our class used art to represent our connection to nature today! Share with a family member how you represented your connection with nature on the plant pot we will be using in Science. Share a hypothesis for what you think will happen in our upcoming experiment. What questions are you interested in solving in a plant experiment? Be prepared to share your ideas with the class tomorrow.

- Social Regions projects are due Friday November 27. We will begin our class presentations on November 30! Continue to work on your research and preparing for your presentations. 

- Hat Day is tomorrow, Wednesday November 25!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Our class had an exciting field trip today to Fish Creek Park! In our activities today we learned about the land, stories and people of Fish Creek Park. Excellent work demonstrating the virtues while learning in a new location. Share with a family member your Knew/New connections (what connections did you make to previous learning? What was new learning for you?).

- Parent Teacher Conference notice is being sent home. Please ask your families to book an appointment with Ms. Makowski!

-November 25th students can choose to wear a hat during school
-if hats have writing on them please ensure it is appropriate for school

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Our class has begun discussing our big ideas: How do we impact our world? How does our world impact us? Share with a family member the reflections you made this week on our big idea. What connections did you make? What questions do you have? Look for examples of our big idea at home and in the community.

Thank you for another wonderful week of learning! Be proud of your hard work and determination in our projects. Our virtue for the month of November is gentleness. How do you show gentleness at home and school?

Enjoy your weekend!

- NO School tomorrow - Friday, November 20.  Professional Development Day.

- Our class goes to Fish Creek Park for a field trip on Monday November 23! Our bus leaves the school at 9:00 and will be back at 2:30. We will be spending half of our time at Fish Creek Park outside! Please remember the following:
1. Warm clothes/jackets/boots for the weather
2. Water bottle, healthy snack and lunch
3. Any medications that may be needed due to allergies (please give these to Ms. Makowski before we leave with written notification).

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Our class is close to finishing our read aloud, The City of Ember. Share with a family member the main events that have happened in this story. How has the author used literary devices, including personification, onomatopoeia and similes to create interesting writing? Would you recommend this novel to other students? Be prepared to share why or why not.

- Continue working on your current events projects! Please let Ms. Makowski know if you are ready to present.

- NO School  Friday, November 20.  Professional Development Day. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Excellent job collaborating with a partner for our Regions of Alberta and Canada advertisements! Show a family member the websites we have been using in class to collect our research. Explain which region you are working on for this project. How will you present your advertisement? What is a learning goal you have for this project? Be prepared to share your ideas with the class tomorrow.

- Continue to collect research for your region by accessing the links posted in D2L.

- Please return your Fish Creek Park permission forms by Thursday November 19.

- NO School  Friday, November 20.  Professional Development Day.

- Picture retakes are tomorrow.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Our class had a special guest visit our classroom today: Constable Hoard! During his visit, we focussed on our emotions scale. Share with a family member what you learned from Constable Hoard in our S4 lesson.

- Show your family the S4 website ( to teach them about the Start Smart Stay Safe Program.

- Please return your Fish Creek Park permission forms as soon as possible! We still need parent volunteers to join us for this exciting field trip. Please have your parents contact Ms. Makowski if they are available to join us on November 23.

- NO School  Friday, November 20.  Professional Development Day.

- Picture retakes are Wednesday November 18.

- Comic Life Club is tomorrow at lunch! Please bring your lunch and meet in room 6.

Purdy’s Fundraiser
-no more orders will be accepted after Tuesday. November 17th

Friday, November 13, 2015

Thank you for another wonderful week of learning! You should be very proud of your collaboration and creativity this week!

Monday, November 16th
-please return Purdys Fundraising – order forms and money
-please return school photos – orders and money

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Our class examined the work of famous Painter Wassily Kandinsky this week! Share with a family member how you created abstract art to represent an emotion. Which emotion did you choose for your painting? How did you create this emotion?

- Go to the website posted in D2L under Regions Project. Take a look at which websites will help you collect research for this project. Be prepared to share your ideas with your partner tomorrow. 

- Sports Club is today after school. 
- Picture orders are due November 16. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Thank you to all the student leaders who participated in our Remembrance Day ceremony! Please discuss the importance of Remembrance Day and what is means to you. Do you have any personal connections to the meaning of Remembrance Day?

- NO School tomorrow, Wednesday, November 11.
- Alien In-Line Skating forms are being sent home today.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Welcome back grade 5 students after an amazing week at Outdoor School!  The Outdoor School staff, Mrs. Calvert and Ms. Makowski were very impressed by how engaged you were with your learning.  Thank you grade 4 students for your excellent leadership and responsibility at school!

Today our class wrote a project proposal for our upcoming Regions Advertisement Project in Social Studies. Share with a family member the region you are interested in for this project. What qualities are you looking for in a project partner?

- Grade 5's that attended Outdoor School: Complete your Outdoor School Assessment survey online.  Please see the log in information sent home today.
- Continue to read for 15 minutes each evening! We will begin out Book Talk projects shortly.

- Remembrance Day Assembly is tomorrow, November 10, at 10:45 a.m.
- Fish Creek Park field trip forms are being sent home today. Please ask your parents if they are available to volunteer! If so, please have them call Ms. Makowski at (403)777-6000.
- Digital Champions Comic Life Club notice is being sent home today. Space is limited! Return your form tomorrow if you are interested in joining.

NO SCHOOL on Wednesday, November 11.  It is Remembrance Day.

Remind your parents call the office and say the words "Fish Creek Park" and your name to be entered into a draw for a gift card to the book fair!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Excellent job demonstrating the virtues at Outdoor School and at Vista Heights this week! Share with a family member what you learned at Kamp Kiwanis. Why is Outdoor School important for students? Be prepared to share your ideas with the class next week.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Our class has been working with Mrs. Sagness on composing a piece of music! Share with a family member your composition and the skills you have been working on.

Continue to read at home every night for 15 minutes. Email Ms. Makowski the book you are reading at home ( Do you recommend this book to other students? Why or why not?

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The grade 4 students in our class have been working with different teachers and classrooms today! Share with a family member the Light and Shadow investigations you did with Mrs. Johl's class.

How many numbers can you make using the digits 1, 2, 3, and 4? You can only use each digit once in each number. Email your answers to Ms. Makowski ( or show her your work when she returns on Friday.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Grade 5 students in our class went to Outdoor School today! We are excited to share our learning with you when we return on Friday November 6.

Excellent job grade 4 students demonstrating leadership and responsibility working with other classes at our school! 

Email Ms. Makowski and tell her about your day at school ( What did you learn? What did you enjoy about working with other teachers and students? 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Excellent job today working on our Light and Shadow google form. Share with a family member your gmail accounts and how we use google forms in our classroom.

Reminder to parents of Grade 5 Outdoor School students:
-We leave at 9:15 tomorrow morning, after the bus is packed.
- Please ensure that all medications are packed in a plastic bag with your child's name and medication specifics (name of prescription, dosage) and given to either Mrs. Calvert or Ms. Makowski.
- We arrive back to Vista Heights on Friday, November 6 by 2:00 p.m.  Students may be picked up at that time.
- The emergency number for Outdoor School is posted in your parent information packages or please call the school.

Our grade 5 students go to Outdoor School tomorrow! Please remember to pack the following:
- sleeping bag
- extra blanket
- jeans or heavy pants
- underwear
- sneakers
- touque
- warm jacket
- backpack
- toothbrush and toothpaste
- sunscreen
- pillow
- shirts
- socks
- boots
- sweaters or sweatshirts
- hat
- waterproof jacket
- towel
- hairbrush
- water bottle
- toiletries
- **lunch for tomorrow

- November newsletter is being sent home today.
- Purdy's Chocolate fundraiser package is being sent home today.