Thursday, November 19, 2015

Our class has begun discussing our big ideas: How do we impact our world? How does our world impact us? Share with a family member the reflections you made this week on our big idea. What connections did you make? What questions do you have? Look for examples of our big idea at home and in the community.

Thank you for another wonderful week of learning! Be proud of your hard work and determination in our projects. Our virtue for the month of November is gentleness. How do you show gentleness at home and school?

Enjoy your weekend!

- NO School tomorrow - Friday, November 20.  Professional Development Day.

- Our class goes to Fish Creek Park for a field trip on Monday November 23! Our bus leaves the school at 9:00 and will be back at 2:30. We will be spending half of our time at Fish Creek Park outside! Please remember the following:
1. Warm clothes/jackets/boots for the weather
2. Water bottle, healthy snack and lunch
3. Any medications that may be needed due to allergies (please give these to Ms. Makowski before we leave with written notification).

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