Friday, December 18, 2015

What an amazing learning journey we have had so far this year!  Celebrate your successes as a learner with your family.

Have a safe and happy holiday!
See you on Monday, January 4, 2016.

Class photos are being sent home today!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Tomorrow is pajama day.  Be sure to share with a family member what you know about our data and school wide graph made with the sizes of pajamas.  What questions can you think of about our data on pajamas?

-Pizza lunch tomorrow, December 18 for all students.
-Our last day of school for 2015 is tomorrow, December 18.
-No Sports Club today.
-Family Inline Skating Night is today from 6:00 to 8:00.

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All the pyjamas your children received today are from the Vista Heights Action Committee. We love our neighbourhood and wanted to find a way to give back. The Vista Heights Action Committee is a group of Vista Heights residents that are working together to create a strong neighbourhood. 
-If you would like to get involved or connected please contact

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Today we reflected on our collaboration and cooperation in our Regions of Alberta and Canada projects. Show a family member the google form you completed today. How did you self assess your collaboration for this project? What goals do you have for our upcoming projects?

Please remember to send  in your In-Line skating notice for your family.  Our family In-line skating night is on Thursday, December 17 from 6:00-8:00.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Excellent job presenting your Regions Advertisements this week! Share with a family member what you learned about the different regions in Alberta and Canada.

Today we had another wonderful day of inline skating! We have 2 more classes to practice our skills.

- Please remember to send  in your In-Line skating notice for your family.  Our family In-line skating night is on Thursday, December 17 from 6:00-8:00.

- Friday December 18 is our pajama day and pizza lunch! You can bring a stuffy if it can fit in your backpack.

Monday, December 14, 2015

We are beginning of last learning week of this year!  Our In-line skating lessons have been promoting a healthy lifestyle.  Please share with a family member your celebrations in skating.  What goals are you working on this week with your skating skills? Why is it important to lead a healthy lifestyle?  What do you do to ensure that you stay healthy?

Please remember to send  in your In-Line skating notice for your family.  Our family In-line skating night is on Thursday, December 17 from 6:00-8:00.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Thank you for another wonderful week of learning!

Today was our first day of inline skating! We had an amazing time. Thank you School Council and families for supporting this activity.

Great job finishing our region postcard art today. Share with a family member the animal you chose to include in your painting.

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thank you to the Grade 5 and 6 students for sharing their experiences from Outdoor School in our Learning Assembly this afternoon! Teach a family member one of the camp songs they shared with the school.  Why is Outdoor School and field trips important? How do these experiences help you learn?

Best Book Projects are due tomorrow! Please ensure your final paragraph is posted into D2L and your cover redesign is complete. We will be sharing your Best Book projects with other classes!

- Alien Inline Skating begins tomorrow (December 11). All students must have a pair of socks and returned their permission forms to participate. Please bring your own helmet if you have one!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The virtue for the month of December is joyfulness! What makes you feel joyful? How can we make others feel joyful at home and school?

- We have been learning about visualizing numbers in Math! Share with a family member what you learned from the video and number visuals activity today. Create a visual representation for the numbers 29 and 30 to share with the class tomorrow!

- Sports Club is tomorrow (December 10) after school from 3:15 to 3:45.
- Grade 5/6 Learning Assembly is Thursday  (December 10) at 11:00 am. Please invite your families to join us!
- Our class will be painting for an art project tomorrow! Please dress appropriately.
- What is the most common size pajamas at Vista Heights School? Remember to check your pajama size at home!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Our class has been excited to see our Plant Power seeds beginning to grow! Share with a family member the type of seed you chose to plant for this project. What observations have you made? Make a hypothesis for what you think will happen to your plant this week. Begin to think about the experiment you are interested in designing to test on plants. We will be designing experiments after Winter Break!

- Share with a family member the Explosion Math strategy we have been learning for addition and subtraction. Practice finding 5 sums or differences using this strategy. Bring your work in to show Ms. Makowski tomorrow!

- Grade 5/6 Learning Assembly is Thursday  (December 10) at 11:00 am. Please invite your families to join us!
- School Council is today at 6:30pm. Please invite your parents to attend!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Today our class began presentations for our Regions of Alberta and Canada Advertisements! Share with a family member the creative advertisements our class has designed. How are the regions you learned about today similar and different to your region? 

Our Best Book Projects are due on Friday December 11! Continue to work at home on completing your written paragraphs and cover redesign. Please let Ms. Makowski know if you are interested in sharing your Best Book Project at the Learning Assembly on Wednesday December 9! 

Our school begins Alien Inline Skating on Friday December 11! Please ensure your permission forms are handed in to Ms. Makowski as soon as possible. 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Celebrate another week of amazing learning!  We look forward to seeing everyone at Parent - Teacher conferences either tonight, December 3, from 4:15 - 8:00, or tomorrow, December 4, from 8:00-12:00.

Have a fantastic weekend!

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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

We have begun a new class read aloud, The Hatchet by Gary Paulson. Share with a family member the plot, characters and setting we have read about in class. Share a prediction for what you think will happen in our novel. What connections can you make to our story? What questions would you ask the author?

Book a Parent-Teacher Conference for Thursday, December 3, or Friday, December 4 by going to the following link:

No School Friday, December 4 -  Parent-Teacher Conferences.

No sports club tomorrow, Thursday, December 3 - Parent-Teacher Conferences.

-FREE PIZZA LUNCH – Friday, December 18th
            -we have a generous &  anonymous donor who wishes to purchase a pizza lunch for our school
            -starting tomorrow, Mrs. McCrae will visit students to ask them for their choice of pizza (cheese, pepperoni, Hawaiian)
            -the lunch will also include juice and a snack
            -IF you do NOT want your child to be served the free pizza lunch please notify the teacher

-Purdy’s Order – Pick-Up – during conferences on December 3rd & 4th

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

We have been focusing on developing a variety of language concepts through Literacy Centers.  Please explain to a family member how Literacy Centers work.  What are you learning at each center? In your opinion, which center develops your strengths?  Which center supports you in an area you are working on?

- Our Social Region Projects are due on Thursday December 3! Continue to prepare for your presentation at home.

- Book a Parent-Teacher Conference for Thursday, December 3, or Friday, December 4 by going to the following link:

- No School Friday, December 4 -  Parent-Teacher Conferences.

- Picture orders are being sent home today.

-Newsletter & calendar coming home today
-form for Alien In-Line Family Skate Evening coming home today
            -please complete and return to school
            -choose one time to skate and go to the music room to sing during the other time
-FREE PIZZA LUNCH – Friday, December 18th
            -we have a generous &  anonymous donor who wishes to purchase a pizza lunch for our school
            -starting tomorrow, Mrs. McCrae will visit students to ask them for their choice of pizza (cheese, pepperoni, Hawaiian)
            -the lunch will also include juice and a snack
            -IF you do NOT want your child to be served the free pizza lunch please notify the teacher
-Purdy’s Order – Pick-Up – during conferences on December 3rd & 4th