Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The virtue for the month of December is joyfulness! What makes you feel joyful? How can we make others feel joyful at home and school?

- We have been learning about visualizing numbers in Math! Share with a family member what you learned from the video and number visuals activity today. Create a visual representation for the numbers 29 and 30 to share with the class tomorrow!

- Sports Club is tomorrow (December 10) after school from 3:15 to 3:45.
- Grade 5/6 Learning Assembly is Thursday  (December 10) at 11:00 am. Please invite your families to join us!
- Our class will be painting for an art project tomorrow! Please dress appropriately.
- What is the most common size pajamas at Vista Heights School? Remember to check your pajama size at home!

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