Thursday, March 31, 2016

Our class has been busy working on descriptive narrative writing. We have been focussing on adding details, suspense and great hooks to our stories. Today we began designing our Junk Monster characters! Share with a family member your plan for creating your junk monster. Begin to think about the character traits of your monster, as well as special adaptations it might have.

- Please bring any recycled material you would like to add to your Junk Monster art sculpture. We will be building our sculptures in class tomorrow.

- Room 2 and Room 4 are going to Aggie Days at the Stampede grounds on Friday April 8! Off Site Acknowledgement of Risk forms are being sent home today. Please return your signed form by Thursday April 9. We need volunteers to attend this field trip! Please ask your parents if they can volunteer with our class and let Ms. Makowski know as soon as possible.

- April Newsletter and Calendar is being sent home with the youngest student.

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