Monday, April 4, 2016

Today we continued to create our Junk Monsters! Share with a family member the multi-media sculpture you have been working on in class. We also began our descriptive writing for our Junk Monsters characters. We are working on adding specific details, similes, onomatopoeia to create an image for the reader when we are writing. Who is your junk monster? What makes them unique? What interesting adaptions do they have? Share your ideas with your family.

Continue to work on your multiplication basic facts at home. Play Salute with a family member!

- Please return your signed Aggie Days field trip form as soon as possible. Our field trip is on Friday April 8! We still need volunteers to join us for this amazing learning opporunity! Please ask your parents if they can join us!
- CBE Transportation Services notice is being sent home today.

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