Monday, May 2, 2016

Our class began our investigation into electricity and magnetism! We experimented with static electricity with a class activity, then began researching how a lightbulb and battery work. Share with a family member your understanding of electrons, atoms, and electricity. How does electricity impact our lives? What questions do you have about electricity? How could we find answers to these questions?

Today was the first Student Wellness Action Team meeting! Thank you to those students who have joined this club! We are looking forward to exciting health projects at Vista Heights School. If you are still interested in joining, see Ms. Makowski for a permission form.

Look for examples of how we use decimals at home and in the community. We will be sharing your ideas in class tomorrow!

- Hats On for Mental Health is on Wednesday May 4!
- Important Health notice is being sent home today with the youngest student
- Grade 5 Ready Calgary packages are being sent home

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