Monday, September 28, 2015

Our class enjoyed a delicious free lunch today from Kids World! Thank you Kids World!! The Kids World program begins tomorrow evening (September 29). You and your parents can enjoy a delicious free dinner and enjoy fun activities. Are you interested in joining? Ask Ms. Makowski for a permission form.

- Our class has begun keyboarding practice at school! Please go on Dance Mat Typing for ten minutes to practice each night this week (

- Share with a family member the Pages Tab on our class blog. Explain how important words for different subjects will be listed here to help me!

Terry Fox Run
-we will hold our Terry Fox Run during our Virtue Activity Day on Tuesday, September 29th (weather permitting) from 9:00-11:45 am
-we will be collecting coins to donate to Cancer Research as a part of the Marathon of Hope started by Terry Fox
-please bring nickles, dimes, quarters, loonies or twonies to school on Tuesday, September 29th
-any spare change will help

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