Tuesday, September 22, 2015

We have been studying the brain and how to develop our 'Brain Power' and how to use specific learning strategies to assist us with our learning.  Explain to a family member the strategies that you know about right / left brain learners, as well as your understanding about the downstairs / upstairs brain.

We have also been developing our 'Heart Power'.  What have you been doing to be a responsible citizen of our school community?  What has happened to your 'Heart Power'? Be specific when you share your examples with your family.

Find 5 examples of math concepts in your house.  Record each example.  Compose a math problem connected your examples.  Try to make our brains sweat and make it challenging.  We will share in class tomorrow.

Parent - Teacher Interviews are on Thursday, September 24 from 4:15 - 8:00 and on Friday, September 25 from 8:00 - 12:30. Please book a Parent-Teacher Conference by going to the following link:
                           Parent - Teacher Interviews

We look forward to meeting with all parents to start our learning journey together!
There is no school, Friday, September 25: Parent-Teacher Interviews.

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