Friday, December 18, 2015

What an amazing learning journey we have had so far this year!  Celebrate your successes as a learner with your family.

Have a safe and happy holiday!
See you on Monday, January 4, 2016.

Class photos are being sent home today!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Tomorrow is pajama day.  Be sure to share with a family member what you know about our data and school wide graph made with the sizes of pajamas.  What questions can you think of about our data on pajamas?

-Pizza lunch tomorrow, December 18 for all students.
-Our last day of school for 2015 is tomorrow, December 18.
-No Sports Club today.
-Family Inline Skating Night is today from 6:00 to 8:00.

vistaheights action logo lg.jpg

All the pyjamas your children received today are from the Vista Heights Action Committee. We love our neighbourhood and wanted to find a way to give back. The Vista Heights Action Committee is a group of Vista Heights residents that are working together to create a strong neighbourhood. 
-If you would like to get involved or connected please contact

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Today we reflected on our collaboration and cooperation in our Regions of Alberta and Canada projects. Show a family member the google form you completed today. How did you self assess your collaboration for this project? What goals do you have for our upcoming projects?

Please remember to send  in your In-Line skating notice for your family.  Our family In-line skating night is on Thursday, December 17 from 6:00-8:00.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Excellent job presenting your Regions Advertisements this week! Share with a family member what you learned about the different regions in Alberta and Canada.

Today we had another wonderful day of inline skating! We have 2 more classes to practice our skills.

- Please remember to send  in your In-Line skating notice for your family.  Our family In-line skating night is on Thursday, December 17 from 6:00-8:00.

- Friday December 18 is our pajama day and pizza lunch! You can bring a stuffy if it can fit in your backpack.

Monday, December 14, 2015

We are beginning of last learning week of this year!  Our In-line skating lessons have been promoting a healthy lifestyle.  Please share with a family member your celebrations in skating.  What goals are you working on this week with your skating skills? Why is it important to lead a healthy lifestyle?  What do you do to ensure that you stay healthy?

Please remember to send  in your In-Line skating notice for your family.  Our family In-line skating night is on Thursday, December 17 from 6:00-8:00.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Thank you for another wonderful week of learning!

Today was our first day of inline skating! We had an amazing time. Thank you School Council and families for supporting this activity.

Great job finishing our region postcard art today. Share with a family member the animal you chose to include in your painting.

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thank you to the Grade 5 and 6 students for sharing their experiences from Outdoor School in our Learning Assembly this afternoon! Teach a family member one of the camp songs they shared with the school.  Why is Outdoor School and field trips important? How do these experiences help you learn?

Best Book Projects are due tomorrow! Please ensure your final paragraph is posted into D2L and your cover redesign is complete. We will be sharing your Best Book projects with other classes!

- Alien Inline Skating begins tomorrow (December 11). All students must have a pair of socks and returned their permission forms to participate. Please bring your own helmet if you have one!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The virtue for the month of December is joyfulness! What makes you feel joyful? How can we make others feel joyful at home and school?

- We have been learning about visualizing numbers in Math! Share with a family member what you learned from the video and number visuals activity today. Create a visual representation for the numbers 29 and 30 to share with the class tomorrow!

- Sports Club is tomorrow (December 10) after school from 3:15 to 3:45.
- Grade 5/6 Learning Assembly is Thursday  (December 10) at 11:00 am. Please invite your families to join us!
- Our class will be painting for an art project tomorrow! Please dress appropriately.
- What is the most common size pajamas at Vista Heights School? Remember to check your pajama size at home!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Our class has been excited to see our Plant Power seeds beginning to grow! Share with a family member the type of seed you chose to plant for this project. What observations have you made? Make a hypothesis for what you think will happen to your plant this week. Begin to think about the experiment you are interested in designing to test on plants. We will be designing experiments after Winter Break!

- Share with a family member the Explosion Math strategy we have been learning for addition and subtraction. Practice finding 5 sums or differences using this strategy. Bring your work in to show Ms. Makowski tomorrow!

- Grade 5/6 Learning Assembly is Thursday  (December 10) at 11:00 am. Please invite your families to join us!
- School Council is today at 6:30pm. Please invite your parents to attend!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Today our class began presentations for our Regions of Alberta and Canada Advertisements! Share with a family member the creative advertisements our class has designed. How are the regions you learned about today similar and different to your region? 

Our Best Book Projects are due on Friday December 11! Continue to work at home on completing your written paragraphs and cover redesign. Please let Ms. Makowski know if you are interested in sharing your Best Book Project at the Learning Assembly on Wednesday December 9! 

Our school begins Alien Inline Skating on Friday December 11! Please ensure your permission forms are handed in to Ms. Makowski as soon as possible. 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Celebrate another week of amazing learning!  We look forward to seeing everyone at Parent - Teacher conferences either tonight, December 3, from 4:15 - 8:00, or tomorrow, December 4, from 8:00-12:00.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Image result for quotes for kids

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

We have begun a new class read aloud, The Hatchet by Gary Paulson. Share with a family member the plot, characters and setting we have read about in class. Share a prediction for what you think will happen in our novel. What connections can you make to our story? What questions would you ask the author?

Book a Parent-Teacher Conference for Thursday, December 3, or Friday, December 4 by going to the following link:

No School Friday, December 4 -  Parent-Teacher Conferences.

No sports club tomorrow, Thursday, December 3 - Parent-Teacher Conferences.

-FREE PIZZA LUNCH – Friday, December 18th
            -we have a generous &  anonymous donor who wishes to purchase a pizza lunch for our school
            -starting tomorrow, Mrs. McCrae will visit students to ask them for their choice of pizza (cheese, pepperoni, Hawaiian)
            -the lunch will also include juice and a snack
            -IF you do NOT want your child to be served the free pizza lunch please notify the teacher

-Purdy’s Order – Pick-Up – during conferences on December 3rd & 4th

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

We have been focusing on developing a variety of language concepts through Literacy Centers.  Please explain to a family member how Literacy Centers work.  What are you learning at each center? In your opinion, which center develops your strengths?  Which center supports you in an area you are working on?

- Our Social Region Projects are due on Thursday December 3! Continue to prepare for your presentation at home.

- Book a Parent-Teacher Conference for Thursday, December 3, or Friday, December 4 by going to the following link:

- No School Friday, December 4 -  Parent-Teacher Conferences.

- Picture orders are being sent home today.

-Newsletter & calendar coming home today
-form for Alien In-Line Family Skate Evening coming home today
            -please complete and return to school
            -choose one time to skate and go to the music room to sing during the other time
-FREE PIZZA LUNCH – Friday, December 18th
            -we have a generous &  anonymous donor who wishes to purchase a pizza lunch for our school
            -starting tomorrow, Mrs. McCrae will visit students to ask them for their choice of pizza (cheese, pepperoni, Hawaiian)
            -the lunch will also include juice and a snack
            -IF you do NOT want your child to be served the free pizza lunch please notify the teacher
-Purdy’s Order – Pick-Up – during conferences on December 3rd & 4th

Monday, November 30, 2015

What an 'Ant-tastic' presentation we had today from Kananaskis in the Classroom! Please share with a family member what connection you made to our big idea of how we impact the world, and how the world impacts us.  How do you impact ants or other insects?  How do insects impact humans?

- Choose a book for our Best Book Project! Reflect on why you think other students should read this book. Share with a family member the project criteria and assessment posted in D2L. We will have class time this week to work on our Best Book Project.

Book a Parent-Teacher Conference for Thursday, December 3, or Friday, December 4 by going to the following link:

No School Friday, December 4 -  Parent-Teacher Conferences.

-Letter home today re: Practice Lock Down tomorrow

Friday, November 27, 2015

Excellent job using evidence from our class read aloud, The City of Ember, to complete your Venn Diagram written reflection. Explain to a family member this writing task. Which book did you choose to compare to The City of Ember? What was similar between these two books? What was different?

Have a wonderful weekend!

- Monday, November 30th – Alien In-Line forms and $ due
- Grade 4 and 5 Snowpass notice is being sent home
- picture retake orders are being sent home today

Thursday, November 26, 2015

We have begun our Best Book Ever Projects! Share with a family member the book you chose to use for this project. Why did you choose this book? Go to D2L to check the project criteria and assessment.

- Sports Club is today after school.
- Please remind your families to book a time to attend Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday December 3 and Friday December 4!
Monday, November 30th – Alien In-Line forms and $ due

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Today was Hat Day! Thank you to all the students and teachers who participated.

Excellent work demonstrating perseverance and collaboration on your Social Regions Advertising project! Share with a family member the project criteria and assessment posted in D2L. Explain how you and a partner collaborated to create an advertisement for your region. What has been successful for you throughout this project? What would you change next time?

- Sports Club is tomorrow after school (November 26) from 3:15 to 3:45.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Our class used art to represent our connection to nature today! Share with a family member how you represented your connection with nature on the plant pot we will be using in Science. Share a hypothesis for what you think will happen in our upcoming experiment. What questions are you interested in solving in a plant experiment? Be prepared to share your ideas with the class tomorrow.

- Social Regions projects are due Friday November 27. We will begin our class presentations on November 30! Continue to work on your research and preparing for your presentations. 

- Hat Day is tomorrow, Wednesday November 25!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Our class had an exciting field trip today to Fish Creek Park! In our activities today we learned about the land, stories and people of Fish Creek Park. Excellent work demonstrating the virtues while learning in a new location. Share with a family member your Knew/New connections (what connections did you make to previous learning? What was new learning for you?).

- Parent Teacher Conference notice is being sent home. Please ask your families to book an appointment with Ms. Makowski!

-November 25th students can choose to wear a hat during school
-if hats have writing on them please ensure it is appropriate for school

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Our class has begun discussing our big ideas: How do we impact our world? How does our world impact us? Share with a family member the reflections you made this week on our big idea. What connections did you make? What questions do you have? Look for examples of our big idea at home and in the community.

Thank you for another wonderful week of learning! Be proud of your hard work and determination in our projects. Our virtue for the month of November is gentleness. How do you show gentleness at home and school?

Enjoy your weekend!

- NO School tomorrow - Friday, November 20.  Professional Development Day.

- Our class goes to Fish Creek Park for a field trip on Monday November 23! Our bus leaves the school at 9:00 and will be back at 2:30. We will be spending half of our time at Fish Creek Park outside! Please remember the following:
1. Warm clothes/jackets/boots for the weather
2. Water bottle, healthy snack and lunch
3. Any medications that may be needed due to allergies (please give these to Ms. Makowski before we leave with written notification).

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Our class is close to finishing our read aloud, The City of Ember. Share with a family member the main events that have happened in this story. How has the author used literary devices, including personification, onomatopoeia and similes to create interesting writing? Would you recommend this novel to other students? Be prepared to share why or why not.

- Continue working on your current events projects! Please let Ms. Makowski know if you are ready to present.

- NO School  Friday, November 20.  Professional Development Day. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Excellent job collaborating with a partner for our Regions of Alberta and Canada advertisements! Show a family member the websites we have been using in class to collect our research. Explain which region you are working on for this project. How will you present your advertisement? What is a learning goal you have for this project? Be prepared to share your ideas with the class tomorrow.

- Continue to collect research for your region by accessing the links posted in D2L.

- Please return your Fish Creek Park permission forms by Thursday November 19.

- NO School  Friday, November 20.  Professional Development Day.

- Picture retakes are tomorrow.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Our class had a special guest visit our classroom today: Constable Hoard! During his visit, we focussed on our emotions scale. Share with a family member what you learned from Constable Hoard in our S4 lesson.

- Show your family the S4 website ( to teach them about the Start Smart Stay Safe Program.

- Please return your Fish Creek Park permission forms as soon as possible! We still need parent volunteers to join us for this exciting field trip. Please have your parents contact Ms. Makowski if they are available to join us on November 23.

- NO School  Friday, November 20.  Professional Development Day.

- Picture retakes are Wednesday November 18.

- Comic Life Club is tomorrow at lunch! Please bring your lunch and meet in room 6.

Purdy’s Fundraiser
-no more orders will be accepted after Tuesday. November 17th

Friday, November 13, 2015

Thank you for another wonderful week of learning! You should be very proud of your collaboration and creativity this week!

Monday, November 16th
-please return Purdys Fundraising – order forms and money
-please return school photos – orders and money

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Our class examined the work of famous Painter Wassily Kandinsky this week! Share with a family member how you created abstract art to represent an emotion. Which emotion did you choose for your painting? How did you create this emotion?

- Go to the website posted in D2L under Regions Project. Take a look at which websites will help you collect research for this project. Be prepared to share your ideas with your partner tomorrow. 

- Sports Club is today after school. 
- Picture orders are due November 16. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Thank you to all the student leaders who participated in our Remembrance Day ceremony! Please discuss the importance of Remembrance Day and what is means to you. Do you have any personal connections to the meaning of Remembrance Day?

- NO School tomorrow, Wednesday, November 11.
- Alien In-Line Skating forms are being sent home today.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Welcome back grade 5 students after an amazing week at Outdoor School!  The Outdoor School staff, Mrs. Calvert and Ms. Makowski were very impressed by how engaged you were with your learning.  Thank you grade 4 students for your excellent leadership and responsibility at school!

Today our class wrote a project proposal for our upcoming Regions Advertisement Project in Social Studies. Share with a family member the region you are interested in for this project. What qualities are you looking for in a project partner?

- Grade 5's that attended Outdoor School: Complete your Outdoor School Assessment survey online.  Please see the log in information sent home today.
- Continue to read for 15 minutes each evening! We will begin out Book Talk projects shortly.

- Remembrance Day Assembly is tomorrow, November 10, at 10:45 a.m.
- Fish Creek Park field trip forms are being sent home today. Please ask your parents if they are available to volunteer! If so, please have them call Ms. Makowski at (403)777-6000.
- Digital Champions Comic Life Club notice is being sent home today. Space is limited! Return your form tomorrow if you are interested in joining.

NO SCHOOL on Wednesday, November 11.  It is Remembrance Day.

Remind your parents call the office and say the words "Fish Creek Park" and your name to be entered into a draw for a gift card to the book fair!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Excellent job demonstrating the virtues at Outdoor School and at Vista Heights this week! Share with a family member what you learned at Kamp Kiwanis. Why is Outdoor School important for students? Be prepared to share your ideas with the class next week.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Our class has been working with Mrs. Sagness on composing a piece of music! Share with a family member your composition and the skills you have been working on.

Continue to read at home every night for 15 minutes. Email Ms. Makowski the book you are reading at home ( Do you recommend this book to other students? Why or why not?

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The grade 4 students in our class have been working with different teachers and classrooms today! Share with a family member the Light and Shadow investigations you did with Mrs. Johl's class.

How many numbers can you make using the digits 1, 2, 3, and 4? You can only use each digit once in each number. Email your answers to Ms. Makowski ( or show her your work when she returns on Friday.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Grade 5 students in our class went to Outdoor School today! We are excited to share our learning with you when we return on Friday November 6.

Excellent job grade 4 students demonstrating leadership and responsibility working with other classes at our school! 

Email Ms. Makowski and tell her about your day at school ( What did you learn? What did you enjoy about working with other teachers and students? 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Excellent job today working on our Light and Shadow google form. Share with a family member your gmail accounts and how we use google forms in our classroom.

Reminder to parents of Grade 5 Outdoor School students:
-We leave at 9:15 tomorrow morning, after the bus is packed.
- Please ensure that all medications are packed in a plastic bag with your child's name and medication specifics (name of prescription, dosage) and given to either Mrs. Calvert or Ms. Makowski.
- We arrive back to Vista Heights on Friday, November 6 by 2:00 p.m.  Students may be picked up at that time.
- The emergency number for Outdoor School is posted in your parent information packages or please call the school.

Our grade 5 students go to Outdoor School tomorrow! Please remember to pack the following:
- sleeping bag
- extra blanket
- jeans or heavy pants
- underwear
- sneakers
- touque
- warm jacket
- backpack
- toothbrush and toothpaste
- sunscreen
- pillow
- shirts
- socks
- boots
- sweaters or sweatshirts
- hat
- waterproof jacket
- towel
- hairbrush
- water bottle
- toiletries
- **lunch for tomorrow

- November newsletter is being sent home today.
- Purdy's Chocolate fundraiser package is being sent home today.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

We have been discussing the concepts of 'Wellness' in our class.  Explain to a family member what wellness means to you.  What safe lifestyle choice did you present in your health skit today? Why is this important?

Thank you for another fabulous week of learning!  Be proud of your diligence and your positive attitude!

Have a safe and enjoyable Halloween!

- No school tomorrow, it is a Professional Development Day.

Image result for quotes for kids

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Today we had a science presentation called 'What's the Poop?' by Kananaskis in the Classroom.   What were your Connections, Challenges, Concepts and Changes? Please explain to a family member you wrote about each of the '4 C's' to extend your learning?  What was the most important concept for you in your learning?  What change are you going to make in your lifestyle?

-No sports club tomorrow
- We have a French quiz tomorrow! Remember to study numbers, months and days of the week in French.

-Halloween Information
On Thursday October 29, students can dress up in their halloween costume for the afternoon only. Please ensure the costumes are safe: no weapons and masks. Due to allergies and food restrictions, please do not send any food to distribute to classmates. For more information, please visit the Vista Heights School handbook by following this link:(under allergies)

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Our class has been learning about light and shadow! Share with a family member the different experiments we have been doing in class. Explain the difference between natural and artificial light and how we used a prism to refract (bend) light to create a rainbow of color. What questions do you still have about light and shadow? How can you find answers to these questions?

- No school on Friday, October 30. It is a Professional Development Day.
- Grade 4 and 5 Snowpass notice is being sent home today.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Today we had our Outdoor School meeting with the camp manager.  We also  met with Mrs. Traquair to discuss the schedule for grade 4 students. Share with a family member what you are excited about for this week of learning. What worries do you have?

Teach a family member how to play Salute!  Keep reading at home every night.

All Outdoor School forms MUST be returned by tomorrow at the latest, as we need to inform the camp in advance about any dietary needs or allergies.

There is no school on Friday, October 30.  It is a Professional Development Day.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Celebrate another fabulous week of learning!

-Return Acknowledgement of Risk form for Kamp Kiwanis by Monday, October 26
-$50 payment for Kamp is due by November 2, 2015
-Picture Day is Monday, October 26

Thursday, October 22, 2015

We have been developing our ball skills in gym.  Share with a family member what you have learned about different types of ball handling skills, including dribbling and passing.  How does what you know about the brain connect to these skills?

-Return Acknowledgement of Risk form for Kamp Kiwanis by Monday, October 26
-$50 payment for Kamp is due by November 2, 2015
-Picture Day is Monday, October 26

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Great job sharing your Plants and Wetlands projects with the class today! Share with a family member your final project. Show them the rubric for this project and the mark you think you deserve. Why do you deserve this mark? What are you proud of for this project? What is a goal you have for your next project? We will be discussing in class tomorrow!

-Return Acknowledgement of Risk form for Kamp Kiwanis by Monday, October 26.
-$50 payment for Kamp is due by November 2, 2015
-Picture Day is Monday, October 26

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Our class has begun our investigations into light and shadow in Science! Share with a family member what you learned about natural and artificial light sources. What examples can you find at home? Be prepared to share your ideas with the class tomorrow.

Please continue to read every night for 15 minutes! Our Book Talk projects will be starting soon.

-Grade 5 students please return Acknowledgement of Risk form for Kamp Kiwanis
-$50 payment for Kamp is due by November 2, 2015

PICTURE DAY – Monday, October 26th
-all students will be in the class photo and receive a free copy of the class photo
-if you wish to have an individual photo of your child please complete the notice your received yesterday
-write your child’s name & grade and choose a pose and a background
-your child will bring this notice to school on Monday, October 26th and give it to the photographer

Monday, October 19, 2015

Today is an exciting day in the history of Canada as it is our federal election day.  We will be sharing our Vista Heights Student Vote Results tomorrow after the election.

-Watch the election results for a few minutes as they come in starting at 8:00 p.m. We will be talking about the results in class tomorrow!

-Picture Day Notice Monday, October 26, 2015
-Grade 5 students, please return Acknowledgement of Risk form for Kamp Kiwanis
-$50 payment for Kamp is due by November 2, 2015

Friday, October 16, 2015

Excellent job participating in the Vista Heights Student Vote this week! Share with a family member how you learned about the different political parties and the upcoming federal election. Who did you vote for? Why?

Have a terrific weekend!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thank you grade 5/6 students and parents for attending our Outdoor School Meeting last night! For those who were unable to attend, parent information packages and the 'Acknowledgement of Risk' form are coming home today. Please have your parents contact Ms. Makowski or Mrs. Calvert if they have any questions about up upcoming trip to Outdoor School.

-Return Acknowledgement of Risk form for Kamp Kiwanis.
-$50 payment for camp is due by November 2, 2015.
-Grade 5/6 Sports Club begins today after school from 3:15 to 3:45.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Excellent job today creating similes! Explain to a family member what a simile is and how it can help create interesting and engaging writing. Try creating your own similes at home!

Please continue to read at home every night for 15 minutes. Our class will begin our Book Talk Projects soon!

- Grade 5 / 6 Outdoor School Parent Information Meeting: Wednesday, October 14: 6:30-7:30

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Welcome back to school after a long Thanksgiving weekend!

Our class finished publishing our Hero Persuasive Paragraphs today. Share with a family member your final copy posted in D2L. Be sure to explain what you learned about how to write an excellent persuasive paragraph!


- Grade 5 / 6 Outdoor School Parent Information Meeting: Wednesday, October 14: 6:30-7:30
- Pizza Lunch notice is being sent home today.
- Grade 5/6 Sports Club permission form is being sent home.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Thank you for another wonderful week of learning!

Please check the current event schedule for when you are responsible to present. Begin looking for news articles and extra information for your presentation.

Have a terrific long weekend!

- Please share the important School Speech Language Services notice posted below with your parents!
- No school tomorrow (Oct. 9) - it is a Professional Development Day
- No school Monday Oct. 12 - Thanksgiving
- Grade 5 / 6 Outdoor School Parent Information Meeting: Wednesday, October 14: 6:30-7:30

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Our school virtue for the month of October is curiosity! Think about examples of how you show curiosity at school and in our community. Be prepared to share your ideas with the class tomorrow.

- Our class has book exchange tomorrow! Please remember to bring your books to school tomorrow to be returned or renewed.

-Grade 5 / 6 Outdoor School Parent Information Meeting: Wednesday, October 14: 6:30-7:30

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Our class has been learning how to read and write large numbers! Show a family member what you know about place value, as well as writing numbers in expanded and expanded form. Teach a family member how to play the game Face Off using cards to create large numbers!


- Grade 5 Vaccinations are tomorrow

-NO SCHOOL Friday, October 9 - Professional Development Day

-Grade 5 / 6 Outdoor School Parent Information Meeting: Wednesday, October 14: 6:30-7:30

Monday, October 5, 2015

Our class has been working on our persuasive writing skills in our Characters of Courage paragraphs! Share with a family member the person you chose to write about for this project. How did they demonstrate courage? Remember to use specific examples to support your opinion.

- Our class has access to RAZ Kids! Try reading to a family member your favorite book from RAZ Kids.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Thank you for another great week of learning!

Our class will begin current event projects next week. Share with a family member the project and rubric posted in D2L. What day are you presenting? Start looking for news articles you want to share with the class for this project. Look in D2L for great websites for you to use.

Enjoy your weekend!

*Letter from Board of Trustees
-letter coming home today with your only or youngest child
-please read

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Our class began a new science project this week: Plants and Wetlands! Share with a family member the project outline, websites and rubric posted in D2L. You will be sharing your learning with the class! Which computer program will you use for your presentation?

- Continue to practice your keyboarding skills at home! Try to work on using home row.

-October Newsletter coming home today!

- Room 2 will be practicing our 'off-site evacuation' by walking to Renfrew Education Center tomorrow morning! If you have any questions please call Ms. Makowski at 777-6000.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Our class has been learning Reading Powers this week! Share with a family member the different Reading Powers you have been working on in class (Knew/New, Turn It Into a Question). Try using a Reading Power in your home reading!

- Tomorrow is October! Which virtue do you think we will be studying next month? Why?

Hot Soup Program
-starts Thursday, October 1st
-a small bowl of soup and crackers are offered to students
-soup is served every Tuesday & Thursday
-if you do NOT want your child to participate please contact your child’s teacher

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Today was Virtues Activity Day! Great job on each of the virtue centers this morning. Share with a family member your favorite centre. Which virtues did you show today?

This week we will be practicing another safety procedure called an 'off-site evacuation'.  Our site is Renfrew Education Center - 2050 21 Street NE.  Our class and one Educational Assistant will walk to Renfrew Education Center one morning this week. We will not enter the building during the practice.  We will review with the students the expectations and the purpose of practicing an 'off-site evacuation'.  If you have any questions please call Ms. Makowski at 777-6000.

-Grade 5 Vaccination consent information coming home today. They are due Friday, October 2.

- Please continue to practice your keyboarding skills on Dance Mat typing at home!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Our class enjoyed a delicious free lunch today from Kids World! Thank you Kids World!! The Kids World program begins tomorrow evening (September 29). You and your parents can enjoy a delicious free dinner and enjoy fun activities. Are you interested in joining? Ask Ms. Makowski for a permission form.

- Our class has begun keyboarding practice at school! Please go on Dance Mat Typing for ten minutes to practice each night this week (

- Share with a family member the Pages Tab on our class blog. Explain how important words for different subjects will be listed here to help me!

Terry Fox Run
-we will hold our Terry Fox Run during our Virtue Activity Day on Tuesday, September 29th (weather permitting) from 9:00-11:45 am
-we will be collecting coins to donate to Cancer Research as a part of the Marathon of Hope started by Terry Fox
-please bring nickles, dimes, quarters, loonies or twonies to school on Tuesday, September 29th
-any spare change will help

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Celebrate another amazing week of learning!  Your Digital Citizenship brochures and presentations were outstanding and informative to our Vista Heights learning community.


* Please sign notice for free lunch on Monday, September 28, sponsored by Kids World Outreach Society.

Parent - Teacher Interviews are tonight Thursday, September 24 from 4:15 - 8:00 and tomorrow Friday, September 25 from 8:00 - 12:30. Please book a Parent-Teacher Conference by going to the following link:
                           Parent - Teacher Interviews

We look forward to meeting with all parents to start our learning journey together!

There is no school tomorrow, Friday, September 25: Parent-Teacher Interviews.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Today we began our study of 'Reading Power'.  Share with a family member what 'Reading Powers' you use when you are reading.  When you are reading, do you choose to read non-fiction more than fiction?  Do you prefer graphic novels? Explain to a family member how your choices are connected to what we know about our brains.  Be ready to share in class tomorrow.

Where do we use large numbers?  Find 5 examples in your house.  Record the number and explain what it is used for.


Parent - Teacher Interviews are on Thursday, September 24 from 4:15 - 8:00 and on Friday, September 25 from 8:00 - 12:30. Please book a Parent-Teacher Conference by going to the following link:
                           Parent - Teacher Interviews

We look forward to meeting with all parents to start our learning journey together!
There is no school, Friday, September 25: Parent-Teacher Interviews.

Terry Fox Run
-we will hold our Terry Fox Run during our Virtue Activity Day on Tuesday, September 29th (weather permitting)
-we will be collecting coins to donate to Cancer Research as a part of the Marathon of Hope started by Terry Fox
-please bring nickles, dimes, quarters, loonies or twonies to school on Thursday, September 24th, Monday, September 28th or Tuesday, September 29th
-any spare change will help

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

We have been studying the brain and how to develop our 'Brain Power' and how to use specific learning strategies to assist us with our learning.  Explain to a family member the strategies that you know about right / left brain learners, as well as your understanding about the downstairs / upstairs brain.

We have also been developing our 'Heart Power'.  What have you been doing to be a responsible citizen of our school community?  What has happened to your 'Heart Power'? Be specific when you share your examples with your family.

Find 5 examples of math concepts in your house.  Record each example.  Compose a math problem connected your examples.  Try to make our brains sweat and make it challenging.  We will share in class tomorrow.

Parent - Teacher Interviews are on Thursday, September 24 from 4:15 - 8:00 and on Friday, September 25 from 8:00 - 12:30. Please book a Parent-Teacher Conference by going to the following link:
                           Parent - Teacher Interviews

We look forward to meeting with all parents to start our learning journey together!
There is no school, Friday, September 25: Parent-Teacher Interviews.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Our Digital Citizenship Projects are due tomorrow. Please share with a family member your brochure and the assessment rubric on D2L. Ask them for some feedback by comparing to the rubric. How can you ensure that your project is at a standard of excellence for Information, Presentation and Resources?  What is a goal you have? What do you need to do to achieve this goal for this project?

Parent - Teacher Interviews are on Thursday, September 24 from 4:15 - 8:00 and on Friday, September 25 from 8:00 - 12:30. Please book a Parent-Teacher Conference by going to the following link:
                              Parent - Teacher Interviews

We look forward to meeting with all parents to start our learning journey together!
There is no school, Friday, September 25: Parent-Teacher Interviews.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Today our class had our first current events presentation! Explain to a family member our current events projects and your responsibility to present current events to our class this year. Share the project criteria, rubric and recommended current event links posted into D2L. The presentation schedule will be posted in the classroom next week! Please check which week you are responsible to present.

Thank you for another fabulous week of learning! 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thank you for your helpfulness and flexibility today moving our learning to a new classroom! We are looking forward to sharing our new classroom with your families at Parent/Teacher Conferences on Thursday September 24 and Friday September 25.

Reminder:  All Awa Taan and Outdoor School (Gr. 5 and 6) forms are due tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

We began a new research project on Digital Citizenship! Share with a family member the project criteria, resources and assessment posted in D2L. What tips have you learned about how to stay safe and be a responsible citizen when using the technology? Why is digital citizenship important?

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Excellent job working on your self-portrait art projects! You have demonstrated creativity and perseverance with this project. Share with a family member how you are using collage techniques for your self-portrait. Please bring any paper supplies from home that will help you with your collage this week.

- Awo Taan Program notice is being sent home today with the grade 5 students. Please sign and return as soon as possible.
- Outdoor School notice is being sent home with the grade 5 students. Please return this notice to school by Friday September 18.
-SUTP coupon books fundraiser is due Wednesday, September 16th
-please return your envelopes with orders and cheques or cash

Monday, September 14, 2015

Our class began our new citizenship project: Heart Power! Explain to your family how we will be using Heart Power in our classroom this year and the self-reflection you wrote on your strengths. Why is Heart Power important in our classroom? Try your own Heart Power activity at home with your families!

- Child Safe Canada and Kids Plus Accident Insurance are being sent home with the youngest student at the school.
- Parent Teacher Conference are Sept 24 from 4:15pm to 8:00pm and September 25 from 8:00am to 12:30pm! A notice with instructions for how to book a conference is being sent home with the youngest student today.

Friday, September 11, 2015

We have begun our first class read aloud, The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau. Share with a family member how the author hooked you into this novel. What connections can you make to the characters and setting?

Over the weekend think about the novels that you enjoy reading. What recommendations do you have for a future class read aloud? Share your ideas with Ms. Makowski on Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

We have been busy researching and reflecting on the brain! Share with a family member what we have been learning about the different part of the brain and how they are connected to your learning. We have been practicing different brain strategies in our classroom, including Remember to Remember and The Wheel of Awareness. Try these strategies with your family!

- Meet the Teacher is tonight from 6:30 to 7:30 in the gymnasium! We look forward to seeing your families this evening!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Thank you for your perseverance in our Math Show What You Know today! Share with a family member your strengths as a math student and a goal you have for this year. What strategies can you use at home to support your math learning?

- Meet the Teacher Evening is September 10:
-all families welcome (students, parents/guardians)
-doors open @ 6:30 pm and the evening ends at 7:30 pm-meet all the teachers and others from our community-learn more about our school and your community

-Time Capsules are due Friday Sept. 11.  This includes the design, the letter to yourself and the list of items and what they represent to you.  Please check D2L for the task criteria and assessment rubric.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Excellent job today working on your learning goals for our school year! Share with a family member a goal you have and the strategies you chose to help you achieve this goal. Why is goal setting an important part of our learning journey? Be prepared to share your ideas with the class tomorrow.

- Our Meet the Teacher evening is Thursday September 10 from 6:30 to 7:30 in the gymnasium. We will be sharing important information and programs for our school year. We look forward to seeing your families there! 

Friday, September 4, 2015

Thank you for a fabulous first week of learning!

Our class introduced our first Brain Power Strategy: Remember to Remember. Please share with your families why this strategy is important for your learning. Try it at home!

Our school will be studying the virtues again this year! Make a prediction for what the virtue for the month of September is.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Thank you for sharing your ideas about the brain! Share with a family member how our class will be exploring the different parts of our brain and their connection to learning. Reflect on your strengths as a learner. What is a learning goal you have? Be prepared to share your ideas with the class tomorrow.

Our classes have begun a Time Capsule Project! Please check D2L for task requirements and the rubric for this project. Please remember to bring any items you wish to add to you time capsule to school!

- SUTP Fundraiser packages are being sent home today with youngest or only students

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Please share with a family member what you learned today about our Learning Commons and the expectations around borrowing library books.  Please think of 3 recommendations of books, genres or authors that you would like to see in our Learning Commons.

We were excited to introduce our Brain Power Capsules today! Explain how you demonstrated critical thinking in this task, by predicting what each object represented for our learning journey.

-Meet the Teachers at Vista Heights is scheduled for September 10 from 6:30 to 7:30. Please invite your families to join us.

-Consent to Publish Information and Work notice coming home today.  Please ask your parent to sign and return the notice.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Welcome to Room 9!

My name is Ms. Makowski and I am so excited to be your teacher this year. I am looking forward to the opportunity to celebrate our learning successes together! At Vista Heights our school goal is to continue to be environmentally aware, so we will be using a daily grade 4/5 blog. It is your responsibility to check our blog daily at home, and inform your parents/guardians of important information and events happening at our school. The blog will also post your homework assignments and project deadlines.

For your first homework assignment, please share with a family member what you need to be successful in your learning journey this year. Explain what you learned about yourself and our class in our Compass Points activity. 

- Please review our School handbook with your family ( What questions do you have about the handbook? Why is our School Handbook important? Be prepared to share your ideas with the class tomorrow. 
-The September Calendar and Media notice were sent home today. Please give these to your parents.

Thanks for a wonderful first day!